Random JavaScript Insights and Tips

Suhas More
2 min readSep 13, 2020

Collection of useful insights and tips about JavaScript and overall web development.

I wanted to complete the JavaScript Algorithm and Data Structure Certification and Responsive web design for a long and recently I completed both the certification course.

believe me, even after 3 years of professional experience in web development I felt like I didn't know anything about web development while attending these courses. (I still feel the same :-))

In this post, I am sharing a few things which I learned over this period and I am hoping that this will help you in some way.

1. Design Mode

Design mode is a web API available on the document object.
Using this API we can enable in-browser editing of the document.

Design Mode

2. Progress Bar

We can create a progress bar only using Native HTML.

3. Text Direction

There is a tag in HTML to change text direction.

4. A11y

HTML has an attribute to called accesskey to specify a shortcut key.

5. Collapse using HTML

We can create collapse like behavior using native HTML.

6. a11y

Some more tips on accessibility.

7. JavaScript Gotchas

JavaScript is weird in many ways.

8. JavaScript Gotchas

9. JavaScript Gotchas

A semicolon is only optional in JS if you know some rules of parsing in JavaScript

10. Web Vulnerability

11. JavaScript

12. Proxy in JavaScript

13. JavaScript Functions

14. Block in JavaScript

15. Bind in JavaScript

That's all for the day.

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